Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Picnic in the Park

Team America would like to thank Team Elite's Rob and Rickard for organizing a great evening in Copenhagen on Friday.

To access larger photographs, please click here

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First month's result

The results for June was revealed this morning in a very exciting meeting. Team America won a food prize that will probably result in some tasty treats next time we'll make calls. We were really close to win the team prize, with just 20 points behind the winners, who at least for this month was Incredible...


  1. The Incredibles
  2. Team America
  3. TJ KIAM

Individual Top 4:

  1. Kitte
  2. Sonja
  3. Rosalie
  4. Sandra

Well, paraphrasing the great Californian guvernor - we'll be back!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Team America takes off!

First mission completed and we did gooood! We've got a total of 11 sales for the team, with Marie and Sonja as our gold sellers tonight - 4 each! The Swedish customers are a bit rough and no one seems to keep their cell phone number more than a month...

We called some funny people and some mad people, and even ended up at the Intensive Care Unit at a Swedish hospital!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our first sale!

Our Norweigan beauty Veronica made our first sale Tuesday - yay! Watch out, we're just getting started....

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The first day of our mission!

On Wednesday we're going to start our misssion - we are looking sooo forward to this, we know that a lot of the people are gonna hate us but on the other hand they are gonna love us and wonder were the hel...we have been all this years:)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Team America expands!

Team America is very happy to announce a new addition to the team - the beautiful and talented Sonja! Now we're even more certain that Team America will succeed.

A new team picture will be up as soon as possible. Don't forget - we're in to win. How about you?

Monday, June 16, 2008

First day for Team America's wall.

Today was the first day of our fantastic wall, and even though we have not finished it yet, the wall looks like the winning wall already. Soon we will start our crazy mission and after that we just have to pack our bags. I wonder if Thomas can play the guitar - would be nice to have a guitar player with us on the trip :)